College Planning Newsletters
Newsletters - Peachtree College Planning
In this issue, you’ll find articles that focus on
Planning for Summer in the Dead of Winter – use our early planning ideas to ensure a summer that is fun, rewarding and constructive.
Focus on Majors: Gerontology – with a rapidly aging population creating a rising demand for workers who understand the challenges of aging, this may be the perfect time for students to study gerontology.
College Loans – after exhausting need-based and merit scholarships, many families find they must borrow money to cover the remaining costs of college. Our guide to loans will help you determine what will be best for your family.
How to Handle a Deferral – This year’s ED and EA pools have resulted in an especially high number of deferrals. If you are still interested in a college by which you were deferred, here are some Do’s and Don’ts:
In this issue, you’ll find articles that focus on
SAT vs ACT – Which Should You Take? -The redesign of the SAT in 2016 resulted in a test quite similar to the ACT. But how do they really compare and how can you determine which test is right for you?
Majoring in Astrophysics – Students strong in math and science with a passion for the universe may be interested in considering a major in astrophysics. Learn what types of careers you can aim for by studying this branch of astronomy.
Tax Benefits for Education – An education credit helps with the cost of higher education by reducing the amount of tax owed on your tax return. Here are two commonly available tax credits that families should check out.
Dare to Be Different – Great advice for college-bound students – learn how to stand out from the pack.
In this issue, you’ll find articles that focus on
The Meaning of Fit – Fit is frequently referred to when speaking with students about choosing the ‘right’ college, and many of those same students are puzzled about what is the ‘right’ fit. Here are some of the things to think about when we talk of “fit.”
Majoring in Advertising – Few businesses are successful without advertising, and that is why it is a helpful major for practically any career. See if it’s right for you.
Free Money vs Loans – In the world of college finances, there are just two kinds of money: “Great money – or Free money” – and “Not-so-Great money”. When does it make sense to choose one or both?
Choosing Next Year’s Curriculum – For selective colleges, rigor of curriculum is one of the top factors in granting acceptance. If you’re targeting one of these selective colleges, resist the temptation to make life easy, and opt for the most challenging program you can handle, while still leaving yourself time to enjoy your high school years.
In this issue, you’ll find articles that focus on
Waitlist Purgatory – The dreaded waitlist. You weren’t rejected, but you weren’t accepted either. What should you do now?
Majoring in Linguistics – With over 5,000 languages spoken around the world, businesses often are unable to communicate with partners from different countries. Lots of career options for graduates with a linguistics degree.
Comparing Financial Aid Packages – The bottom line in comparing financial aid packages is the final cost of your education to you and your family. Here’s a guide to understanding the components of your offers.
Social Media & College Admissions – Consider using your social media as a wider representation of both who you are and what you have to share with your colleges.
In this issue, you’ll find articles that focus on
Student Support Services on Campus – It’s likely that all students will have need of at least some of the support services available on campus. Check these out, paying special attention to those that may be important to your well-being.
Majoring in Computer Programming – In our increasingly technological world, students who major in computer programming can find their niche in almost any kind of company. Learn more about the major and career options here.
College Choice and Return on Investment – College is a very big-ticket item, and many students rack up considerable debt to help pay for their education. As with any large expenditure, it’s a good idea to consider how the costs of this purchase compare to the benefits of making the purchase?
In this issue, you’ll find articles that focus on
Advice for New College Freshmen – One of the best parts of going off to college is the ability to create the “you” whom you want to be. Here are some suggestions to help you make a successful transition to campus.
Majoring in Environmental Science – The world needs more scientists equipped to attack the spiral of damaging human behaviors. Environmental science is a branch of science that seeks to sustain the Earth’s environment.
Pre-College Legal & Financial Matters – There are a few legal and financial issues that should be addressed before your son or daughter goes off to college. Learn about them here.
Telling Your Story – The “dreaded” college essays really are your opportunity to share your voice and personalize your application, making the whole package a full and complete story of YOU. Here are some tips to make that happen.
In this issue, you’ll find articles that focus on:
Managing Stress – School has always been high on the list of stressors for young people – exams, tests, deadlines, organization, time management, friends, and money. Here are some ideas to help you better manage your stress level.
Interdisciplinary Majors – Tomorrow’s complex problems will require a multidisciplinary approach, and narrowly-focused studies may become inadequate. Take a look at some of the new interdisciplinary majors that allow students to combine several areas of interest.
File the FAFSA as Soon After Oct. 1st as Possible – The FAFSA should be filed as soon as possible after October 1st of the student’s senior year, and then yearly while attending college. Here’s what families need to know about this very important financial aid form.
Rigor of Curriculum – Selective colleges expect to see applicants opting for a high level of rigor in their studies, within the constraints of their high school’s offerings. You can’t design your school’s curriculum but you can control how you complete your four years of high school, so plan well for the most rigorous program you can comfortably handle while still having a balanced life.
Writing a Note-Worthy Essay – How do you make your essay famous instead of infamous? Here are some basic tips to consider.
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Helping Your Child Succeed – an article especially for parents, highlighting five ways that parents can help their children succeed in both school and life.
Majoring in Neuroscience – this rapidly expanding field offers a myriad of job opportunities for future graduates. The skills gained through a neuroscience major are widely applicable to a variety of fields. Check this out!
Trends in Student Loans – You’ve probably seen the headlines suggesting that debt for college students is out of control and getting worse. But, is it really?
Searching for Performing Arts Colleges – A free, searchable resource from the publishers of Playbill Magazine.
After Your Applications Have Been Submitted – Seniors who have completed the college application process are feeling pretty good about this time. But you still have things to do.
Athletic Recruiting – families may dream of “signing day” but what are the realities facing prospective college athletes?
Majoring in Statistics/Data Science – Data Science was just named the #1 career by Glassdoor and the “sexiest career of the 21st century” by the Harvard Business Review. Could this be a career for you?
Understanding Net Price – Families often experience sticker shock when contemplating the cost of college, but it’s the net price, rather than the sticker price, that prospective students need to consider.
Don’t Get Caught Up in Senior Slump – Every year some students get a little too relaxed and cling to a false sense of teenage invulnerability. And every year, to the shock of these students, colleges across the country revoke a small but significant number of their acceptances
Lessons Learned by Parents about Campus Visits – some sage advice from parents who have “been there, done that”.
Dual Degrees – 3-2 Engineering Programs – for students not sure that they want to become engineers or those who wish to explore more of the liberal arts, a combined 3-2 program offers students the best of both worlds.
The Most Generous Colleges – students who are thoughtful and wisely apply to colleges that really fit their profile, and where they fit the colleges’ interests, may be pleasantly surprised by financial support offers heading their way through ‘Merit-based’ aid.
Maximizing Your Summer Break – summer provides the best opportunity for future college applicants to separate themselves from the pack.
Wallowing on the Waitlist – nationally, only about 20% of waitlisted students are admitted each year. If you really want to be among those who are, you need to be proactive.
Facts & Myths about Liberal Arts Education – Ask twenty people what they think about the term “liberal arts education” and you’ll likely get twenty different responses. Get the facts here.
Majoring in Nutritional Sciences – The food industry is the fourth largest industry in the world. Nutritional science is a great major for people interested in a health-related career, for those who want to work in the fitness industry, for individuals who love to cook and create recipes, and for budding entrepreneurs.
Appealing your Financial Aid Award – Are you short in funds needed to enroll at your first choice college? Consider appealing your financial aid award.
Handling Rejection – Advice for Parents – College rejection happens to most students, but it doesn’t need to define the rest of their life. Here are some tips to help your teen deal with denial.
Five Career Planning Ideas for High School Students – Here are five things you can do now – while you’re still in high school – to start thinking about possible careers.
Majoring in Art & Design – Do you have a passion for painting, drawing or designing but feel unsure about how you can turn your love of art into a career? Bachelor’s programs in fine or visual arts or in design can help you achieve your goal of a fulfilling career.
Does Attending College Still Make Financial Sense? – Media stories about the rising cost of a college education and student debt, combined with the lingering economic effects of the recession, have led many people to question whether it still makes financial sense to attend college.
Summer Campus Visits – While summer may not be the ideal time to visit, it frequently is the most practical time for busy families.
Adjusting to College Life – Understanding the most common challenges reported by freshmen – and what to do about them — can make the transition to college life go more smoothly for both students and their parents.
Majoring in Landscape Architecture – If you’re creative, interested in the environment and science, and enjoy working with people, landscape architecture may be just the career for you.
Talking to Your Kids About Money – They use gift cards, credit cards, debit cards and apps such as Venmo and PayPal. Money, the green stuff, is not a meaningful part of many teenagers’ lives. Before your child leaves for college, a conversation about finances is in order.
How Movies Can Help You Write Better Application Essays – The best college application essay, don’t merely tell what happened to you; they also let admission officers understand why what happened matters. To do that in 650 words or less you need to think like a screenwriter.
In this issue you’ll find articles that focus on back-to-school and college application concerns:
Decoding College Application Plans – knowing when and how to apply to each college on your list is important. Here’s a quick rundown of the differences and a look at the pros and cons of each plan.
Focus on Majors – Pre-law – Although there is no Pre-Law major, the term itself is not meaningless. It refers to advising programs that support students in preparing for and applying to law school.
Filing the FAFSA – The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is the primary form used by colleges to determine eligibility for need-based aid. Here’s a guide to the FAFSA.
Doing High School Well – What can you do to make sure that your high school years are truly special?
In this issue you’ll find articles that focus on back-to-school and college application concerns:
7 College Admission Blunders to Avoid – the journey to college will likely go smoother if you avoid making these seven common mistakes.
Focus on Majors – Geology – Fascinated by rocks and minerals and the forces that shape the earth? Geology is an interdisciplinary science that involves not only a study of the physical makeup and history of the earth but also how humans and other life forms are affected by the earth.
The CSS Profile – About 400 colleges, universities, and scholarship programs use a financial aid form, the CSS Profile, in addition to the FAFSA, to gather more information in order to award their own institutional funds to deserving students.
Show Them Some Love – Through both your responses to application questions and your actions (numerous meaningful contacts with that college), you can influence your chances of acceptance at your top college choices. Learn how here.
In this issue, you’ll find articles that focus on
Predictive Analytics & Admissions – the rise of enrollment management programs is changing the face of admissions. Take every opportunity to learn as much as you can about your colleges, understanding that they are spending a great deal of money to learn as much as they can about you!
Focus on Majors – Peace and Conflict Studies – with the political climate in the United States so divisive at this time, a major that focuses on ways to solve problems peacefully may resonate with you.
Maximizing Merit Aid – with the cost of college so high, is there anything you can do to improve your chances of getting merit aid from a college? Here are some strategies you might want to try.
Current Trends in College Admission – the annual The State of College Admissions report provides insights into trends in college admission. This article provides some important takeaways from the latest report.
In this issue, you’ll find articles that focus on
Majors, Minors, and Concentrations – Your guide to understanding the meaning of these terms, how they differ, and how to make your choices work for you.
Majoring in Criminology – Criminology is the study of the attributes of crime, how and why it happens, why people commit them, the behavior of these people, and the nature of the criminal justice system. If you’re fascinated by shows like NCIS and Criminal Minds, this may be the major for you.
Searching for Scholarships – You don’t have to pay anyone to search for a scholarship for you, but it does require legwork and dedication on your part. Start here.
Understanding and Using your PSAT Report – Although your scores on these tests are not reported to colleges, the results can help you better understand your academic strengths and weaknesses and suggest the skills you should focus on in preparing for college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT.
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Your call is designed to help get the answers you need to make informed decisions with no sales pitch.
Financial: The Big University Experience
Academic: Majoring in Animal Science
Social: Watch out for Scholarship Scams
Bonus: Test Dates & Need Accommodations for SAT or ACT?
Financial: Low Cost Summer Adventures
Academic: The 5 “Ps” of Choosing Colleges
Social: Majoring in Women’s Studies
Bonus: Timelines & Test Dates
Financial: Comparing Financial Aid Award
Academic: ACT Vs. SAT…Which is better for your student?
Social: Majoring in Molecular Biology
Bonus: Test Timelines
Social Media – Think Before You Post: With about 40% of all admissions officers now visiting applicants’ social media pages, student need to be more careful than ever about what they post.
Majoring in Electrical Engineering - If you’ve always been fascinated by cutting-edge technologies, majoring in electrical engineering or electrical engineering technology may be a good choice.
Appealing for More Financial Aid - Dream college still unaffordable? Individual financial aid officers are empowered to make adjustments, if they are deemed warranted. Here’s how you should proceed.
How Parents Can Help Seniors Handle Rejection - Denials are inevitable in an atmosphere of increasingly selective admissions, but there are tried and true techniques that parents can use to help their children deal with the inevitable.
What Keeps College Admission Officers Up at Night? - Yes they actually worry about you. Here’s a look from the other side so students who apply to a thoughtful, well-balanced list of colleges have an excellent chance of being admitted to multiple schools.
Majoring in Urban Planning - Want to make a difference? Urban planners are a special type of professional who help design and implement programs that improve daily life for everyone in their communities.
Paying Your College Bill - Choices & Opportunities? Two words you rarely think of when it comes to paying the college bill. Families who find it difficult to write a single check to pay their child’s college bill will find a number of options to make the task more manageable.
Making the Most of Your Summer - The annual list of ideas to make your summer productive.
Tips for Surviving Your Freshman Year of College – Follow these tips to get off to a great start as you begin the next phase of your education.
Majoring in Meteorology – Are you a curious person who enjoys applying science and math to analyzing and solving problems? If so, a career as a meteorologist may be a good match.
Legal and Financial Issues Before You Depart for College – Some important things to act on before you leave for college.
Writing Great College Essays – Even if your college list isn’t 100% finalized yet, it’s not too early to start thinking about your application essays.
Applying Early Decision – There’s been a push to earlier application deadlines. Consider this article carefully before deciding to apply early decision.
Do Rankings Really Matter? – how can you compare colleges with different programs and cultures? Here’s a look at the ways different ranking systems approach finding “the best”.
Majoring in Anthropology – students of anthropology develop cultural sensitivity and respect for diversity, both of which are in high demand in our global society.
Keeping College Application Costs in Check – applying to numerous colleges gets very expensive. Here are five ways families can keep college application costs under control.
Making the Most of Your High School Years – high school should be viewed as a chance to explore your interests. Some ideas to be sure you’re maximizing opportunities during high school.
The Early Application Dilemma – students often feel pressured to apply early to avoid falling behind. Is Early Decision or Early Action right for you?
Choosing the “Right” Application – Here’s a rundown of the most commonly used college applications and information on how to choose the ones best for you.
Majoring in Psychology – Psychology is the second most popular major on US college campuses. What can you do with a major in psychology and is this the right major for you?
It’s Time to Complete Financial Aid Forms – Oct. 1st marks the opening of the FAFSA application for students who will attend college in 2018-19. Who should be completing the FAFSA and the CSS Profile and how do you do these?
Show Your Colleges Some Love – More than 3/4 of all US colleges consider “demonstrated interest” in evaluating applicants. How can you show your colleges that you’d really like to attend?
Big Fish or Little Fish? – Deciding if you’ll be better suited to being a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond is an important part of finding a college that will be the best match for you.
Majoring in Actuarial Science – When it comes to pay, job satisfaction, and employability, actuaries have one of the best careers available.
Net Price Calculators – Get an early estimate of your out-of-pocket cost before you finalize your college list.
Acing that Interview – Never turn down the offer of an interview! If you do, it looks as though you are not a serious applicant. Here are some tips to guide your experience.
Should Standardized Tests be the Standard? – Although some schools downplay the importance of standardized tests, there is no question that there are colleges that rely heavily on them in making admissions decisions.
SAT or ACT? Deciding Which Test is Right for You – feeling confused about which college entrance exam to take? This may help.
Majoring in Cyber-security – with a median pay over $90,000 and a job growth rate greater than 37% over the next four years, cyber-security is one of the hottest majors around. Does it suit you?
Searching for Scholarships – use our list of free databases to help you search for appropriate scholarships.
Religiously-affiliated Colleges – consider the pros and cons of attending a religiously-affiliated school before choosing the ideal university.